How Do I Get My Spiritual Energy Back? 1 Powerful Tip

How do I get my spiritual energy back: If you are looking for the answer to this question, then it clearly shows that you are looking for some guidance somewhere with the help of which you can restore your spiritual energy.

Now there can be many reasons for the decrease in spiritual energy, such as the fact that, for some reason, you get stressed, go into depression, get trapped in bad company, have bad habits, or some other incident has happened in your life that has a great impact on you. It has had a deep impact, and you are unable to recover from that incident.

There can be many reasons for your spiritual energy being low. Different people may have different reasons, but in this blog, I will tell you about a solution that you can use to restore your spiritual energy very easily.  

It doesn’t matter what the reason behind your low spiritual energy is; whatever the reason, there is only one solution, and that solution is called meditation.

Although you might have got many suggestions on Google, in this block I will suggest only meditation and will discuss only that.

I tell you with full confidence that meditation is a very easy way by which you can restore your spiritual energy and can also implement it in your life very easily. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

Without wasting any time, let us start this block and understand how meditation can help you restore your spiritual energy. 

Part I: 12 ways Meditation helps you to get your spiritual energy back

  1. Develop your soul and self-awareness
  2. Helping you figure out your life purpose
  3. Start listening to your soul’s direction.
  4. Chitta purification
  5. Develop and clear each chakra.
  6. Start accepting the situation.
  7. Develop your aura.
  8. Develop positive thinking.
  9. Develop Patience
  10. Establishing a connection with nature
  11. Getting you to live in the present moment
  12. All around growth

1.Develop your soul and self-awareness.

How do I get my spiritual energy back

When we are born in this world, our soul comes with us, and when we go back to this world, our soul also goes back with us.

The soul is our true companion, which is always with us, and the soul is not an imaginary thing. Many scientists have also accepted the existence of the soul. Even before this, many experiments have been done to know the existence of the soul, even today. Many scientists are trying to determine the existence of that soul.

This soul has a very important role in our lives. We humans have two feelings: one is the soul, and the other is the body. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

Now, many people are not even aware of it. 

Let me explain it to them in easy language: When we live life in the soul, it means that our soul has control over our body, and when we live life in the body, it means that we have control over our soul. the body is in control.

Our lives have a significant impact on the emotions we experience. 

If your soul has control over your body, then that soul connects you with faith consciousness, due to which you get the benefit of the energy of world consciousness.

Your soul guides you all the time. It is your true guide. It always prevents you from doing things that will waste your spiritual energy.

How do I get my spiritual energy back

If you are living life in the body sense, then the body has always seen its convenience, and ego also comes into us due to the body sense. Due to this ego, many problems arise in our lives.

Then, when many problems come into our lives, due to these problems, we get stressed, we go into depression, and our spiritual energy starts decreasing.

Therefore, we should always be aware of our inner selves and live our lives under the influence of the soul. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

Here the question arises: how to awaken the sense of self, how to bring control of our soul over our body? The easiest way to do this is through meditation.

How do I get my spiritual energy back

When you meditate, you start learning about yourself, and you realize that you are more than just your body. You realize that you also have a soul inside you.

That is your real identity. When you become aware of your soul and realize it, then this is the first step in awakening your soul.

When we realize the soul in our body, it is the first step towards awakening our soul, but for this, you have to do meditation. You will not find any such medicine on the market that can awaken your soul by consuming it. For this, meditation is the only one. The solution is

2. Helping you figure out your life purpose

How do I get my spiritual energy back

You were born on this earth with a special purpose. There is no creature on this earth who comes to this earth without any reason. Every creature that comes to this earth definitely has some reason or another. 

Similarly, you also have a special purpose for coming to this earth, but the only difference is that you are not aware of your purpose. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

It is a very common problem that many people do not know about the purpose of their lives. Is 

Now, consider how you will spend your life if you are unaware of its purpose. 

Let me try to understand with an easy example. Suppose you know that you have to go from New York to California. Then it will be very easy for you to make all the preparations, like booking a plane ticket, packing luggage, etc. 

How do I get my spiritual energy back

But when you don’t know where you have to go, what you will prepare for, or where you will go, you will just keep wandering here and there. 

It is very important in our lives that we know what the purpose of our lives is. When you know the purpose of your life, a different kind of enthusiasm comes into your life, and a new kind of enthusiasm comes. Due to this, your spiritual energy increases a lot. 

When you do not know what the purpose of your life is, you live a stressful life, due to which your spiritual energy decreases.

But now the question arises: how will we know what the purpose of our lives is? Meditation is a very easy way to do that. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

As it was said, by doing meditation, you start knowing about yourself, you get to know your qualities, and you get to know your friends. Similarly,  when you do meditation, your self will become aware and your soul will start having control over your body. Then your soul will help you know the purpose of your life.

3. Start listening to your soul’s direction.

How do I get my spiritual energy back

By doing meditation, when your soul awakens and your soul gets control over your body, you automatically get the guidance of your soul, which then guides you completely as to what is right and what is wrong. It helps you take the right decisions and keeps you from always taking the wrong ones.

Now you yourself know what the benefit of taking the right decision at the right time in life is. When you make wrong decisions in your life, you have to suffer the consequences of the wrong decision in the future, due to which you again come under stress. You become tense, and then your spiritual energy starts decreasing.

See, the decision we take today affects our future. If you make the wrong decision, you will have to face negative consequences in the future. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

On the contrary, if you start taking the right decisions in your life as per the guidance of your soul, then you will see positive results from the right decisions in the future.

But when do we listen to our souls? We can listen to our soul only when our soul has control over our body.

I will try to understand you with an easy example. You must have seen many times in your life that people around you, like your relatives and friends, put a lot of pressure on you to make some decisions or do some work.

How do I get my spiritual energy back

They say that the whole world is doing this thing; you also do it; nothing happens, but somewhere from inside there comes a voice that stops you from doing that work; it tells you that this work is wrong and you should not do this work.

But due to the influence of the people around us, we make wrong decisions, and when wrong decisions lead to wrong results, the first thing we run away from are the people around us who have pressured us to take this decision.

Then our inner voice always interrupts us; it says that I had forbidden you not to do this work. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

Yet you did it, and this voice keeps coming again and again. This voice is the voice of our soul, which we only listen to. This is why we couldn’t hear because our soul doesn’t have control over our body.

It is very small; at that time, our body has control over us, and the body easily suppresses the soul. You can understand it in this way.

Your soul at that time is a small puppy, and your body is a big dog, which always dominates the small puppy, but when your soul awakens, your soul will grow, and then your soul will be big and your body will be very small.

How do I get my spiritual energy back

Then your soul interrupts you to make any wrong decision, and then when you do meditation, first of all, your body emotion reduces, and your soul gets control over your body. When you get control over your body, you will not have to face any bad consequences in the future. 

But to hear the voice of our soul, we have to reduce our body consciousness, and to reduce body consciousness, we have to do meditation. 

This is a very easy way, and I can tell you with full assurance that apart from this, you will not find any other easy way. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

When you meditate, your inner self awakens, and you can easily listen to the guidance of your soul and make decisions in your life accordingly.

4. Chitta purification

How do I get my spiritual energy back

First of all, let me explain what a Chitta is. Because at least 99% of you will not know what a cheat is, let me explain it to you with an example.

Many thoughts come to us in our daily lives. Suppose you have the idea of a railway station. As soon as you get the idea of a railway station, its picture also emerges in your mind.

This is the work of the Chitta , meaning a thought comes to mind, and through the thought, your brain starts visualizing that thing.

Let me explain to you with another example, as you must have seen many times that when we think of lemon, our mouth automatically starts watering. Whenever you think of your favorite dish, it automatically starts watering. Your mouth waters.

Why does this happen? This happens because when the thought of a dish comes to your mind, your Chitta starts showing that dish to you, and when it becomes visible, it has an effect on your body.

In the same way, the Chitta play is very important to our body.  [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

Now as we saw, we thought about lemon, then our Chitta went there and our mouth watered. It came because lemon is very sour, so we captured some energy from there.

In the same way, if you focus on bad people, bad events, and bad thoughts, then you also take the blame for those bad events, bad thoughts, and bad people, due to which your spiritual energy gets contaminated. And negative energy accumulates inside you.

Let me explain to you with a real example.

How do I get my spiritual energy back

You yourself observe that just a few days ago, a report from the World Health Organization came out in which it was said that all the specialist doctors in the world die from the same disease in which they are specialists.

Now why does this happen? This happens because he does not pay attention to the purification of his Chitta ; he is always among the sick patients. Due to this, his Chitta always remains above the disease, and he absorbs the bad energy of that disease in his Chitta . Eventually, they succumb to the same disease.

That’s why you have to pay a lot of attention to the purification of your Chitta , but today’s society is completely unaware of this. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

If you do not have control over your Chitta , then your mind will wander here and there and collect the wrong energy so that your spiritual energy will drain. 

If you want to control your Chitta , then you will have to meditate. Only by meditating can you control your Chitta , and once you have control over your Chitta , you will not keep it in the wrong place.

Then you will not absorb bad energy; you will start placing your Chitta in a good place, due to which you can get good energy; then your Chitta will receive good energy from that good place and give it to you, and then automatically the spiritual energy will increase inside you. 

5. Develop and clear each chakra.

How do I get my spiritual energy back

Generally, all of you are aware of the seven chakras. There are seven chakras in our body. Each chakra has a different importance in our lives, and depending on whether the condition of the chakra is good or bad, it can have a good or bad effect on our lives. has a bad effect.

But do you know that there are many other cycles above the Chakra, of which very few people are aware? Those cycles are not visible to us.  [How do I get my spiritual energy back] 

Only people with a very high level of spiritual progress can reach that Chakra.

The seventh, i.e The last chakra in our body, is the Crown Chakra, from which these seven chakras start.

Now, if all these chakras get contaminated, then all these chakras are not able to receive good energy, and then our spiritual energy also starts decreasing, which has a bad effect on our body as well. 

So to purify all these chakras and implement them, we have to do meditation. 

If all these chakras become pure and sacred and their functions are performed well, then spiritual energy automatically starts increasing inside your body. 

Now you will see that there are many such meditation methods in society that teach you how to purify your chakra, how to purify it, and how to develop your chakra. 

But in the meditation method that I will tell you, by meditating only in one way, all your chakras will be purified. In that meditation method, the energy is taken out of your Root Chakra, passes through each of your chakras, and reaches your Crown Chakra. This way, it provides energy to all the chakras, purifies them, and makes all the chakras function.  [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

6. Start accepting the situation. 

How do I get my spiritual energy back

Most of the problems in our lives arise when we do not accept the circumstances around us. When we do not accept the circumstances around us, we get depressed, stressed, and go into negativity.

As soon as we get trapped in all these things, our spiritual energy automatically starts decreasing. The basic reason for all this is that you do not have a feeling of acceptance.

The feeling of acceptance will develop within you only by becoming aware of yourself. When your sense of self is awakened, your soul will have control over your body, and the feeling of acceptance is the quality of the soul. Upon awakening your soul, you will possess the ability to embrace every circumstance. She teaches you to accept every situation positively.

Now, when does your sense of self awaken? When does your spirit have control over your body? I have already told you that when you meditate regularly, you come to know that there is something called a soul inside you. You realize that soul. 

Then, when you slowly meditate, that feeling increases and your self-confidence develops, and your soul gets control over your body, due to which a feeling of acceptance comes inside you. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

Therefore, meditation is the best way to find acceptance within yourself.

7. Develop your aura.

How do I get my spiritual energy back

Now, for the information of those who do not know, let me tell you what the meaning of aura is. See if it is understood in easy language. An aura is a ring that is formed around us due to our thoughts. 

Our aura has a very deep impact on our lives and also on the people around us. If your aura is good, then its results will be good for the people around you. If your aura is not good, then the same results will affect the people around you. will be up. 

Let me try to understand this with an example. 

One day you take out time and sit on a roadside and observe the people passing by. You just have to observe the people peacefully, and then you will see that after some time, a person will pass by you whom you will feel like going to meet. give a slap.

How do I get my spiritual energy back

Now why did you feel that you should go and slap that person? You have no acquaintance with that person, you have no enmity with him, and you have seen that person for the first time. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

This happens because that person’s aura is negative.

If your thoughts are negative, then a negative aura is created around you. If your thoughts are good, then a good aura is created around you. 

When your positive aura is created, positive energy starts accumulating around you, and you get positive energy spread in the environment around you. Additionally, the spread of consciousness around you amplifies your spiritual energy.

Like I have told you, aura is formed due to our thoughts. Our thoughts form a ring around us, which we call aura.

Now you have to develop yourself. If you want to make your aura positive, you will have to improve your thoughts, and improvement in your thoughts can only come through meditation.

When you meditate, you neither think about the past nor about the future. You have to focus yourself in the middle.

Generally, people either think about the past or think about the future. When they think about the past, they feel sad, remembering the bad incidents of the past, and when they think about the future, they feel sad about the future. 

So it also affects our aura, and when you meditate, you get control over both types of thoughts. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

Due to which your thoughts improve, you develop further, and you become positive. 

Therefore, if you want to increase your spiritual energy, then it is very important for you to do meditation.

8. Develop positive thinking.

How do I get my spiritual energy back

As I have explained to you earlier, people generally keep thinking about either the past or the future.

And when we think about both the past and the future, we become sad by thinking about both, and due to this, our thoughts also become negative.

But when you do meditation, you try to focus yourself in the middle so that these two types of thoughts do not have any effect on you and automatically positive things come inside you. 

And when positivity comes inside you, it automatically starts increasing the spiritual energy inside you because we become what we think. If you think positively, then positive energy will be created inside you.

9. Develop Patience 

How do I get my spiritual energy back

There is a great need for patience in today’s society. Due to the excessive development of intelligence in today’s society, there is a lack of patience among the people. You must have noticed that the incidence of suicide has increased a lot these days. 

You yourself have seen that nowadays the incidence of suicide has increased among youth too. If elders say something to them, then they commit suicide over small things. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

I have seen a living example of this in my own life. There was a 16-year-old girl in our neighborhood whose grandmother repeatedly interrupted her for small things. She did not like it at all, and being troubled by this thing, she committed suicide. He committed suicide by hanging himself inside the house.

The main reason for all this is that people do not have patience. When there is excessive development of intelligence within us, our body spirit increases. With the increase in share spirit, our ego increases, and when our ego increases, if someone does something, even if someone tells us, we feel bad, become sad, and then think of taking steps like suicide. 

The important thing here is that patience is a quality of the soul. If your body spirit has increased, then where will patience come from inside you? If you want to bring patience into your life, then you will have to awaken your soul. You have to control your soul as well as your body. You have to bring it up, and for this, you have to meditate.

As patience increases within you, your condition will become balanced, and when your condition becomes balanced, spiritual energy will automatically start increasing inside you. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

10. Establishing a connection with nature 

How do I get my spiritual energy back

When we meditate, we have control over our past and future thoughts, and we try to focus ourselves on the present situation. 

Thoughts are not natural; hence, when you think, you become isolated from nature. For your information, let me tell you that even animals don’t think. When they feel hungry, they only think of food.

That’s why they are always connected to nature, and you must have seen that many times if any natural disaster is about to happen, the animals come to know about it first. The reason is that they do not think, and due to this, they are not connected with nature. A connection is made, and they realize the dangers of these 

Similarly, when you meditate, you learn to live in a thoughtless state. A thoughtless state means that you have neither thoughts of the past nor thoughts of the future. In that state, you remain in the present state.

When you achieve this state, you automatically connect with nature, and then you start receiving whatever consciousness there is of nature, and your spiritual energy starts increasing.

11. Getting you to live in the present moment 

How do I get my spiritual energy back

What happens in our daily lives is that whatever energy we have, we either waste it thinking about the past or thinking about the future, and then without energy, we work in the present. Then, when you work in the present without energy, how will you get success in that work? [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

Let me explain to you the example of bread. When you wake up in the morning, consider that bread as your food for the whole day. Out of that, you have wasted half of the bread thinking about the past and half of the bread thinking about the future. So now you are currently hungry, but you have no bread. 

In the same way, when we wake up every morning, we have energy; half of that energy we spend thinking about the past, and half of that energy we spend thinking about the future. Our energy is completely exhausted.

When you meditate, you get control over both types of thoughts and you learn to live in the present, due to which your energy is saved and your spiritual energy increases. 

12. All around growth 

How do I get my spiritual energy back

When you start meditating, your all-round progress automatically starts happening. This is because your soul gets control over your body, and then your soul completely guides you as to what is right and what is wrong for you.

It also helps you in taking the right decisions due to which your physical, spiritual, and material progress takes place, so you do not have to make separate efforts for all these things. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

Your soul also helps you increase your spiritual energy. It guides you completely as to what you should do and what you should not do so that your spiritual energy keeps increasing.

If you have any closest and most trustworthy friend in the world, it is only your soul, and that soul is what helps your boat cross the ocean of this world.

So, in order to have a close relationship with your soul friend, you will have to meditate.

Part II: Find a mentor or Guru.

How do I get my spiritual energy back

You all know that if you have to learn anything, then you want to learn from the person who has mastered that thing and who has good experience.

Similarly, when you want to start meditation, I request that you learn meditation from a proper mentor or guru and only then practice it.

See, meditation has no side effects, but if you do not learn meditation from a mentor or guru, then you will do meditation in the wrong way, due to which you will not get the expected results, and then you will lose faith in meditation.

Part III: Samarpan Meditation [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

In this blog, I have explained to you in full detail how meditation can increase your spiritual energy. 

Now the question will come to your mind: there are many meditation methods available in society; which of them should we use? 

Here I would suggest you do the Samarpan meditation method. There are five main reasons for giving this suggestion, which are as follows:

  1. I can speak from personal experience
  2. Free of cost
  3. No hard and fast rules
  4. Very easy to do
  5. There is no restriction on caste or religion.

1. I can speak from personal experience. 

I myself have been doing this meditation method for the last 10 years, and I have gotten very positive results from it. Based on my experience, I am suggesting this meditation method to you. 

Look, I have not experienced any other meditation method, so I do not consider it appropriate to give suggestions about them or make any comments about them. 

2. Free of cost

You get this meditation method absolutely free of charge. You do not need to pay any money to learn this meditation method. Now, many of you may think that the basic course will be free. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

And later there will be an advanced course for which you will have to pay. There is no such course system in this; it is the same type of meditation method that is available absolutely free of charge.

3. No hard and fast rules 

To do this meditation method, you do not have to follow any strict rules, like not eating non-veg, not drinking alcohol, or not smoking cigarettes. There are no such rules; you can learn this meditation method as you like. 

4. Very easy to do  [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

There is no complicated process in this meditation method; this meditation method is very easy; even small children under 12 years old can do it, and since this meditation method is easy, you can easily assimilate it into your life.

5. There is no restriction on caste or religion.

A person of any caste, religion, country, or language can learn this meditation method. Let me tell you here that already people from different countries and languages are using this meditation method, and they have had a very positive experience with it. 


I hope that in this blog you will get complete guidance to increase your spiritual energy. [How do I get my spiritual energy back]

In this blog, I have tried my best to give detailed information; that is why this blog has become a little long.

If you need any more information related to this blog, have any questions in mind, or want to make any suggestions, then please tell me in the comment box. I will try my best to work on them.

I have suggested the surrender meditation method to you in this blog; if you have any questions about it, then please ask me in the comments box. I will try to guide you completely about this meditation method.

In the end, I would just tell you that it is better to do one thing rather than 10 different things. Focus on one thing only. So if you do meditation, then you do not have to do 10 different things to increase your spiritual energy. Therefore, you are asked to add meditation to your life. Thank you.

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